Offering the Most Cutting-edge Therapies

Virtual Couples Counseling/Marriage Therapy

All my services are currently virtual telehealth services. I’ve found through the pandemic it has been just as effective as in-person. I offer couples therapy, specifically I am trained in level 1, level 2 and level 3 of the highly sought after Gottman Method Couples Therapy. This therapy is based on 40 years of research. I can offer the cutting edge couples counseling to you. I believe in it and the results! With this method, you will be able to rebuild trust, increase friendship and intimacy and manage conflict. I am specifically training in Gottman Method treating trauma and affairs, so this method is also helpful when there has been an affair or if someone in the relationship is struggling with PTSD. 

Virtual Couples Counseling for PTSD

Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD has been effective in treating PTSD as a couple. This is an evidenced based time-limited approach which it has been researched and shown effective in improving PTSD.

Affair Recovery

The hurt, the betrayal. You may feel hopeless. Maybe you’re experiencing pain that cuts deep to the bone when finding out about an affair or infidelity? Did you know that when dealing with infidelity, the betrayed partner can start to exhibit symptoms similar to PTSD? You may experience flashbacks to when you found out each time he/she does something that reminds you of the affair; constant phone texts, being on the computer and other normal trigger behaviors. Then after trigger many thoughts and emotions flood back? Maybe it has been difficult to heal and move the relationship in the direction you want. Using Gottman Method Couples Therapy, I can help you recover, rebuild trust, and have a better relationship.

Discernment Counseling

Has your relationship been on the brink? Have you been uncertain if you want to stay together? Usually at this point there is a partner who is “leaning out” and a partner who is “leaning in” the relationship. Discernment counseling can help you determine what path to take; 1. prep for couples counseling 2. Separation/divorce 3. Stay where you are in the relationship.

PTSD Treatment

Evidenced-based PTSD treatments that I offer are:

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): a 12 week treatment focusing on accepting that the event occurred, expressing your feelings about the event, and getting you “unstuck” so you can naturally recover.

Eye-movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Not a time limited treatment however helps you process truamtic memories while distracted by holding onto tappers. First we will establish a safe place and ease into any traumatic memories

Depression Treatment

Feeling unmotivated, no energy, like you’re in a black hole and cannot get out? You may start to not enjoy things you used to enjoy. You may not want to be around people, feel restless, and not able to sleep due to your mind not slowing down. You may experience guilt and unsure why. You could be feeling doomed and even little to no interest in sex. Maybe the sadness and gloom has gotten unbearable. Maybe you can’t concentrate on much. Many exposed to trauma experience depression. I use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression (CBT-D). This therapy is evidenced-based which means it has been shown and proven to work and reduce the symptoms of depression.


Those that struggle with symptoms of PTSD and depression and even stress in their relationship can have issues with sleep. I can offer you Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to help treat sleep issues so you can have a better, more restful nights sleep.


Mind spinning? Hard to control the thoughts? Feeling distracted? Mindfulness helps you stay in the present which leads to less anxiety, depression and helps manage hypervigilance from PTSD. It can also help manage stress. I incorporate mindfulness is most everything I do. Mindfulness skills can be an added tool for you and has an ample amount of neuroscience research behind it that is actually helps re-wire your brain.