Moving Beyond the Pain and Taking Control of the Memories

Feeling agitated all the time? Feeling numb and distant from others? Maybe even guilt and shame from something that happened in the past that is difficult to even talk about? Maybe you find your self checking your back and disliking public places. Or waking up sweating and your heart racing due to a nightmare again. Does the world now seem dangerous and your trust in people has changed? Or maybe its a certain sound or smell that triggers overwhelming emotions that you naturally want to avoid? There is hope by learning how to heal and take control of the memories that may haunt you. Whether it by combat, natural disasters, sexual trauma, car accidents, or other disturbing situations, your brain and sense of self may have been impacted and it has been difficult to recover. If you experience some of these symptoms, PTSD treatment may be right for you.

PTSD Treatments

Evidenced-based treatments are cutting edge therapies designed to treat and alleviate symptoms of PTSD. They have thorough research behind which means they are proven to work.

Here are the treatments I offer:

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): a 12 week treatment focusing on the reality that a traumatic event occurred, expressing your feelings about the event, and getting you “unstuck” so you can naturally recover

Eye-movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. When you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain. Once the block is removed, healing resumes. EMDR therapy demonstrates that a similar sequence of events occurs with mental processes. Using the detailed protocols and procedures learned in EMDR therapy training sessions, clinicians help clients activate their natural healing processes.

Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD: This therapy is in a couple’s counseling format. This is a time limited therapy (eventually comes to an end) that has been effective in treating couples issues and PTSD. This is an evidenced based approach which it has been researched and shown effective in improving PTSD and enhancing relationships. This therapy can also benefit happy couples in their relationship

Together we will find the best fit for you.


Mindfulness has been shown to help an array of mental health disorders. I incorporate mindfulness in most everything I do. Mindfulness skills can be an added tool for you and comes with neuroscience research behind it that shows it actually helps re-wire your brain.